Thursday 5 February 2015

DigiPak Update

 CD Cover

CD Back Cover

Album Magazine Advert

We have completed 2/6 panels for our album digipak, we stuck to the conventions of our genre of Indie Pop/Rock by making our cover simplistic yet appealing to the eye. In the next four panels we are making we intend on including information about the album and the songs and photographs of the artist. For the magazine advert, we kept it as similar as we cold to the album cover to keep the clear link between the two.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Mouthwash Stop Motion: Take 1

From the image alone, it is clear that the first take of mouthwash stop motion was not successful, firstly, the stills were filmed in portrait (a rookie mistake), as well as this, the image is slightly tilted, as the photos were taken without a tripod. However these were good in helping us practice with editing together stills to create a fluid stop motion effect.
Better luck next time hopefully.

Media Photoshoot

What we get up to in A Level Media 

More stop motion!